Plugin Tag: theme
Pretty Theme Files
(2 total ratings)Organizes theme files in WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Editor, using jQuery.
Core Updates Permission
(0 total ratings)Disables the theme, plugin and core update checking, the related cronjobs and notification system by default. Provides the ability to give certain adm …
Theme-Independent Stylesheets
(0 total ratings)Allows for use of uploaded stylesheets (.css files) to be used alongside any theme
C4D Woo Condition Bar
(0 total ratings)Create a notification bar when customer has order over a specify amount. You can show a promotion like freeship or coupon code for customer.
(1 total ratings)Converts WordPress into Progressive Web Apps and Accelerated Mobile Pages styles.
Wave Your Theme
(0 total ratings)A cool, beautiful method that allows themes to be previewed without activation. It will generate a button on the page link, when clicked, will show th …
Theme Bakery
(0 total ratings)A simple tool that allows you to generate a new blank theme (uses _S theme).
WP Custom Data
(1 total ratings)Through WP Custom Data you can easily use your custom fields with any theme or plugin.
Theme YAML – Use YAML instead JSON for your theme.json settings and styles
(2 total ratings)Theme Yaml converts your theme.yaml file into theme.json so that you can configure your theme with YAML
K2 Style Switcher
(0 total ratings)This WordPress plugin allows site visitors to change the active style in the K2 theme.
(2 total ratings)Manage multiple blogs with a single standard WordPress installation. Each may have its own theme and domain while sharing users and administration.
QQWorld Share
(0 total ratings)Powerful share tools for SNS, MicroBlog, Blog, Bootmark, Mainly for China.
(5 total ratings)Lists all ACF/ACF PRO variables of created fields so that you can simply copy-and-paste into your theme template files.
C4D Woo Category Product Perpage
(0 total ratings)Add a product per page box at Woocommerce category page.
(0 total ratings)Lets you create a theme and customize its structure in an easy and interactive way.
Wpp Easy Child Generator
(0 total ratings)wpp easy Child Generator is a sidebar widget that create child theme of your selected theme.Plugins supports the selection of theme and use .
Materially Flat Admin Theme
(1 total ratings)A theme that adds the material design look to your WordPress backend.