Plugin Tag: twitter
Twitter Goodies Widgets
(0 total ratings)Uses the twitter goodies widgets API to create offical twitter widgets (profiles, lists, faves and search) straight from your control panel.
My Twitter Timelines
(2 total ratings)My Twitter Timelines is an all-in-one Twitter widget. With this widget, you can display the following: Twitter user timelines, User favorites, Search …
YOURLS: WordPress to Twitter
(3 total ratings)Use YOURLS (a free GPL URL shortener service) to create short URLs of your posts, or for your BuddyPress groups and users
Twitter posts to Blog
(15 total ratings)This plugin simply create posts in your blog from selected twitter searches. Good work with this plugin.
Make Clickable Tweet
(0 total ratings)A plugin for converting @user mentions, #hashtags and URLs in a tweet into clickable links.
Social Icons Widget
(0 total ratings)A developer-friendly plugin that allows you to add a widget with links to various social media profiles.
(10 total ratings) empowers you to publicize your WordPress content to your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts automatically.
Twitter Digest
(4 total ratings)Creates a daily or weekly post containing tweets from a twitter account.
Click To Tweet Block
(0 total ratings)Gutenberg block to add a quote for visitors to tweet via Twitter.
Round Social Media Buttons
(3 total ratings)Provides a responsive social media widget that displays up to eight different social media websites.
WP Social Bookmarking
(0 total ratings)WP Social Bookmarking plugin syndicates your blog posts in social networking sites.
AP Twitter Follow Button
(0 total ratings)AP Twitter Follow Button add a widget which allows you to add a highly cutomizable Twitter Follow Button.
Simple Twitter Plugin
(1 total ratings)Display timeline for Tweets from an individual user, a user’s favorites, Twitter lists, or any search query or hashtag as a widget in your sidebar.
Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo
(12 total ratings)When adding a comment, your users can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol.
(15 total ratings)Improve your social media spreading by letting your users pay with a like, a tweet or +1. wpLike2Get allows you to do this easily.